We are an authorized distributor/dealer for software and hardware such as Servers, PC, Mini/workstations, Scanners, Printers, Office Automation, Networking Solution and others. In the case of software, we provide experts of different discipline to accomplish any specific tasks in software development and system integration.
Provides services for E-Office and Multimedia System. Services offered includes Consultancy, Web Development, internet/intranet, Software Solution Imaging System, Document and Workflow Management.

HLAi also provides consultancy advice to Government Departments and Industries. This advice has taken various forms including high level strategies for integration of disparate systems within an organization covering nation-wide, network modeling, system integration, workflow modeling and managing the integration of software onto an existing system. We also provide Consultancy services on either text-based or graphic-based computerization exercise. These services cover the preparations of feasibility studies, specification and development, project management and quality control.